জেনে নিন কোন ড্রাগের সাথে কোন ড্রাগ নেয়া ঠিক না

জেনে নিন কোন ড্রাগের সাথে কোন ড্রাগ নেয়া ঠিক না
Don`t give Azithromycin With… Antihistamines Because: Severe chest pain, prolong QT interval Don`t give Ondansetron (Anti-emetic) With… Tramadol Because: Ondansetron decrease the Analgesic effect of tramadol Don`t give Tetracycline With… Penicillin Because: Tetracycline are bacteriostatic and Inhibit the growth of bacteria and Penicillin work only on actively dividing organisms Don`t give Anti-acid or anti-ulcer medication With… Iron in pt. With IDA Because: Iron need acidic media to be absorbed. Don`t give Metronidazole With… Warfarin Because: Metronidazole inhibits the metabolism of warfarin by blocking (CYP-2C9) may lead to fatal bleeding Don`t give Furosemide (Lasix) With… Gentamycin Because: Maybe lead to hearing loss Don`t give Non Dihydropyridine (Verapamil & diltiazem) With… Beta blocker Because: Both of them cause severe bradycardia & heart block Don`t give Sildenafil (Viagra) With… Sublingual Nitroglycerin Because: both of them cause vasodilation—> Severe hypotension & may be death Don`t give Nifedipine or any drug end with “dipine” With… Nitrate Because: Both of them cause vasodilation & Severe hypotension Don`t give Omega 3 With… Anti-platelet or Anti-coagulant Because: cause bleeding Don`t give Statin With… Gemfibrozil Because: increase the risk of the myopathy Don`t give Ciprofloxacin, Clarithromycin, Cimetidine, Fluvoxamine & Erythromycin With… Theophylline Because: These drugs are Cyp450 inhibitors lead to Inc. in the theophylline level in blood lead to death Don`t give Warfarin With…. NSAIDS Because: Increase the risk of the GIT bleeding. Don`t give K_ sparing diuretics (Amyloid & Spironolactone) With…. ACEI (captopril) Because: Lead to hyperkalemia Don`t give Omeprazole With…. Clopidogrel (Anti-platelet) Because : Omeprazole decrease effect of The Clopidogrel by affecting hepatic enzyme CYP2C19 metabolism Ondansetron (Zofran) is the safest and the most effective anti-emetic in children. Fluconazole (antifungal) must be taken with fatty meal to increase its absorption. All breast feeding babies should be received vitamin D Supplementation until the age of 1 year.


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